Let Your Light Shine On

Let Your Light Shine On

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Education comes from the Greek word "Educare," or to bring out. This is our challenge as educators in this new millennium. To reach a population that have become victims of social economic struggle in the United States. Historically gangs within the United States have risen out of areas that are economically in need. The latest trend has shown gang interest spreading into suburbia. With rising gas prices and a weakening economy the gang life has started to take root. For example I recently read on a Cincinnati , Ohio news website, that gangs had moved into Sharonville. Sharonville is a suburb outside of Cincinnati. The article interviewed a young neighborhood kid that got jumped in a gang behind a house in a wooded area. I used to go to Tri-County Mall close to that area in high school. It was definitely not your stereotypical "hood."
I do not know of any test that measures hope; but today in class I asked my students, "How many of you have hope for your future?" Everyone raised their hand. That display was reason enough for me to continue to be vigilant in helping these so called "at-risk" students succeed and live fulfilling lives. They are not at-risk to fail. They are at risk in the fact that they might miss the opportunity to learn and grow into an adult that has reached his or her greatest potential.

The Engagement process has evolved from past teaching methodology. Our students now live in a world where laptops and MYSPACE are the norm. Information and resources are available now at the click of a mouse. Surely we have the resources to help students succeed

Let's take a step into the future of Education in America. The possibilities are limitless, and our children's children, several generations from now will thank us, and remember.

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